Sunday, July 26, 2009

Antares Says Goodbye To Yasmin Ahmad

Blogger Antares (Magick River) says goodbye to Yasmin Ahmad, a remarkable woman he wish he had known better.

The last time I "spoke" with Yasmin Ahmad was on a Facebook forum.

I understood where she was coming from.

She had spent most of her adult life in advertising and had reached the highest altitudes of success within that profession.

Not only that, she was the only person I knew in advertising who had then gone on to achieve her personal dream of making memorable feature films with a uniquely Malaysian flavour.

Her best work in commercials were for Petronas.

Her specialty was producing classy vignettes of Malaysian life with a distinct feel-good factor.

I thought her work as a director was superb.

Afterwards, I felt prompted to add one more comment to the forum, suggesting that since the ice was now effectively broken between us and we each knew where the other stood, maybe we could begin to set aside our public personas and really talk.

But I didn't do that ... and now it's too late. She's gone. At only 51.

Yasmin Ahmad, I just want you to know.

I really do admire your accomplishments and deeply regret that we never became good friends.

In any case, I'm glad you did get to make a few feature films for which you will always be remembered with profound affection and gratitude.

I sincerely hope that with your newfound freedom from budgetary constraints, you will hover around long enough to help us write a happy ending to the unfolding story of a much more mature Malaysia liberated from gender bias, racial prejudice and religious bigotry.

Fare thee well and infinite blessings upon you, Yasmin Ahmad, storyteller extraordinaire.